When it comes to marketing ideas for not-for-profits/charities, we all want to know what is the next big thing? Indeed we want to be the first because of all too quickly the idea goes stale. What is easy to forget is the effort required for the big bold events. These marketing ideas can take lots of time and money, while their return is limited a short window.
Marketing ideas for not-for-profits used to be limited to events

Do you remember when the first ‘year of’ was? What about the first ‘month of’? Or Day (my memory is of Rose Nose Day and even buses donning the nose)? You can probably recall the first to claim just an hour (Earth hour)? What about the first one to use a ribbon or a toy or owning a colour? Now the list of those with similar ideas are seemingly endless.
Marketing is not just about one big idea
The problem many not-for-profits face is marketing is misunderstood and the lines with fundraising lines become blurred. The same can be said for services. For most organisations the marketing messages can be summed up into two types:
1. About services
2. Events and fundraising
Add to this, if the focal point for marketing becomes around a dedicated time of the year, you are missing the larger opportunity. The big events are great, but they come when they in a calendar and built around the schedule of the organisation, not the public. Remember, people are searching for information all the time, and just because you decide this is when you want to make a splash, does not mean it will suit all of the audience.
Marketing ideas for not-for-profits/charities lie within. It’s about extracting and delivering content.
Every not-for-profit has experts it can utilise, be they staff or supporters. Their valuable insights can help you attract a much larger market, If you do it correctly this market can be seen 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Don’t get caught up in the big idea bubble. They are important, but should only constitute a small percentage of your marketing. To give it context, it’s always important to create a broader reach to let people know you exist. Always ask yourself, does everyone who should know you exist actually know you exist?
What are the best marketing ideas for not-for-profits?
There is no Top 5 here, there is just one – content.
The more information you release, the better. Don’t make it one dimensional about what you do. Provide insights and information that show you understand what your audience is after in order to engage them. If you optimise the media channels, where and how you release the content, you will create funnels to engage people on their schedule. What we are talking about here is a digital marketing strategy and more specifically, inbound marketing.
Pour energy and resources into this type of marketing for at least 12 months, and the rewards will continue to build.
If you want to know more about inbound marketing, not only to help your thought processes but teaching you how to go about it, please download our free e-book. If you download the book, we will offer you a free initial consultation, so you can assess whether this is a path your organisation should be going down.